Valued Patrons,
Falcon Containerline (FCL Cargo) was created with a specific mission of being,
At FCL Cargo, we want to provide you with cost effective services right from the point of origin to point of delivery and the chasm in between. We want to bridge all the gaps between your decision of import/export to the actual completion of your mission. For this we have made available some outstanding service providers at each step of the supply chain management. We have been able to negotiate the best possible rates for all kinds of services, without compromising the quality of service that you are expecting; based on our relationship with the providers and the volume of business we do with them. This rate and cost advantage is directly passed onto to our patterns to make them cost effective and more competitive. This places both of us into a win-win situation.
I invite you to have an experience of working with us and feel the difference, both in service and rates. I believe in sustainable long term business relationship which keeps the partners happy and bonded.
To share your experience, contact me directly by clicking the link amin@fclcargo.com I shall reply you personally.
I thank you for visiting our web site- a valuable resource center for your business.
Nasir Amin, MBA
Chief Operating Officer